Wednesday, January 20, 2016

EMF and dementia risk studies released

Here's the link to the dementia study  Also at the bottom of the links are comments by physicians as to what they believe is causing this increase in neurological deaths, including one by retired American neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock who believes it's a combination of environmental toxins, diet (high glycemic/sugar), trans fats, vaccines, and oxidized N- 6 oils (I think that means polyunsaturated omega 6 oils prevalent in most vegetable oils), as well as RF radiation.

I plotted the data from the study so I can visualize it more clearly (data was not plotted in the study).  The resulting graphs are very disturbing.  Finland and USA have the highest neurological deaths. (Why is Finland so high?) Comparing 2010 data to 20 years ago, neurological deaths have gone up in the age>75 group, in ALL countries, ranging from 22% (Greece) to 412% (USA).  In the age 55-74 group, neurological deaths have gone up compared to 20 years ago in 12 out of the 21 countries (US, Finland, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Australia, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, Japan); 9 out of 21 had declines or stayed about the same (Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Canada, France, Switzerland).  These graphs make excellent visuals to show the increase in neurological deaths.  Excel data file attached.

Please take a look at this very important data presented graphically.  Also, feel free to use or distribute.  This info. should also go out to other public health specialists/physicians, especially those concerned with RF radiation as well as the over 200 scientists who signed the Appeal, and your political representatives.  (I will forward to Libby Kelley and ask her to forward to the Appeal scientists)  Does anyone have a meeting with WHO in the near future?  If so, this data should be presented to them as well.

1) Overall >age 75
Highest Increases: USA 412%, Denmark 322%, Portugal 336%, Finland 219%, Sweden 212%, Norway 206%
Overall Average Increase: 151%!

a) Males >age 75 
 Highest Increases: Finland 208%, USA 268%, Denmark 239%, Portugal 290%
Overall Average Increase:  115%!

b) Females >age 75 
 Highest Increases: USA 563%, Denmark 415%, Portugal 395%
Overall Average Increase: 186%!

2) Overall  ages 55-74
Highest Increases:  Greece 75%, USA 64%, Portugal 60%, Finland 48%, Denmark 44%
Overall Average Increase: 15%

a) Males ages 55-74
Highest Increases:  USA 82%, Greece 78%, Portugal 69%, Finland 68%, Denmark 65%
Overall Average Increase: 18%

b) Females ages 55-74
Highest Increases:  Greece 72%, USA 48%, Portugal 48%
Overall Average Increase: 12%



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