Saturday, January 23, 2016

Vienna Medical Association sets new "10 Medical Mobile Rules"

Vienna Medical Association sets new "10 Medical Mobile Rules"
Here is the translation, and original follows in German:

 In principle: as little and make calls as short as possible - use a landline or write SMSChildren and teenagers under 16 years old should carry cell phones only for emergencies!
 "The distance is your friend- the phone away or pay attention to the manufacturer's recommended in the manual distance during the call set-up of the head and bodyTake advantage of the built-in speakerphone or a headset!
• Do not position when using headsets or integrated hands-free mobile phones directly on the body - special caution applies here for pregnant women. In men, mobile phones are a risk to fertility in your pocket. Persons with electronic implants (pacemakers, insulin pumps et cetera) must pay attention to distance. Unless otherwise possible: outer coat pocket, backpack or purse to use!
• Not in vehicles (car, bus, train) calls - without an external antenna, the radiation in the vehicle is higher. In addition, you will be distracted and you molest in public transport the other passengers!
• During steering the auto exists absolute SMS and internetworking ban - the distraction leads to self-endangerment and endangering other road users!
• Calls at home and at work via the fixed network - Internet access via LAN cable (eg via ADSL, VDSL, fiber optic) is not irradiated, is fast and secure data. Duration Radiant DECT cordless telephones, WLAN access points, data sticks and LTE Home base stations (Box, Cube et cetera) should be avoided!
• Walk often offline or use Airplane mode - for functions such as listening to music, camera, alarm clock, calculator or Offline games is not always an internet connection required!
• Fewer apps means less radiation - Minimize the number of apps and disable the most unnecessary background services on your smartphone. Disabling "Mobile services" / "data network mode" turns the smartphone again a cell phone. You can still be reached, but avoid a lot of unnecessary radiation by background traffic!
• Avoid the phone calls in places with poor reception (basement, elevator et cetera) - in such situations increase the mobile transmit power. Use in poor reception quality a headset or the speakerphone!
• The purchase of mobile phones of a very low SAR value and an external antenna connector ensure!
Adapted and supplemented considering the latest scientific findings

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

EMF and dementia risk studies released

Here's the link to the dementia study  Also at the bottom of the links are comments by physicians as to what they believe is causing this increase in neurological deaths, including one by retired American neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock who believes it's a combination of environmental toxins, diet (high glycemic/sugar), trans fats, vaccines, and oxidized N- 6 oils (I think that means polyunsaturated omega 6 oils prevalent in most vegetable oils), as well as RF radiation.

I plotted the data from the study so I can visualize it more clearly (data was not plotted in the study).  The resulting graphs are very disturbing.  Finland and USA have the highest neurological deaths. (Why is Finland so high?) Comparing 2010 data to 20 years ago, neurological deaths have gone up in the age>75 group, in ALL countries, ranging from 22% (Greece) to 412% (USA).  In the age 55-74 group, neurological deaths have gone up compared to 20 years ago in 12 out of the 21 countries (US, Finland, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Australia, Italy, New Zealand, Portugal, Japan); 9 out of 21 had declines or stayed about the same (Belgium, UK, Netherlands, Austria, Ireland, Norway, Canada, France, Switzerland).  These graphs make excellent visuals to show the increase in neurological deaths.  Excel data file attached.

Please take a look at this very important data presented graphically.  Also, feel free to use or distribute.  This info. should also go out to other public health specialists/physicians, especially those concerned with RF radiation as well as the over 200 scientists who signed the Appeal, and your political representatives.  (I will forward to Libby Kelley and ask her to forward to the Appeal scientists)  Does anyone have a meeting with WHO in the near future?  If so, this data should be presented to them as well.

1) Overall >age 75
Highest Increases: USA 412%, Denmark 322%, Portugal 336%, Finland 219%, Sweden 212%, Norway 206%
Overall Average Increase: 151%!

a) Males >age 75 
 Highest Increases: Finland 208%, USA 268%, Denmark 239%, Portugal 290%
Overall Average Increase:  115%!

b) Females >age 75 
 Highest Increases: USA 563%, Denmark 415%, Portugal 395%
Overall Average Increase: 186%!

2) Overall  ages 55-74
Highest Increases:  Greece 75%, USA 64%, Portugal 60%, Finland 48%, Denmark 44%
Overall Average Increase: 15%

a) Males ages 55-74
Highest Increases:  USA 82%, Greece 78%, Portugal 69%, Finland 68%, Denmark 65%
Overall Average Increase: 18%

b) Females ages 55-74
Highest Increases:  Greece 72%, USA 48%, Portugal 48%
Overall Average Increase: 12%



Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Wi-Fi in schools is being pushed by the FCC

Wi-Fi in schools is being pushed by the FCC - FCC passes $5 billion for school Wi-Fi
Scientists and doctors warn against the dangers - see videos below with Dr. David Carpenter, Dr. George Carlo, Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, Dr. Lennart Hardell, Australian neurosurgeon Dr. Charlie Teo
Video on RF radiation from Chromebooks and Wi-Fi 
Wi-Fi Upgrade at Maryland County Public Schools 

Where is your child sitting in class? Is it close to the wifi?

RF radiation in Schools
The Wi-Fi in schools radiates far more RF radiation than your home Wi-Fi.  A school Wi-Fi system has to be able to support dozens of connections simultaneously, whereas your home Wi-Fi supports only a few.
Recommendations from the Collaborative for High Performing Schools recommend wireless over Wi-Fi, and if Wi-Fi is used, it should be turned off when not in use and all access points be labeled and that everyone should sit at least 16 ft away from Wi-Fi Access points.  

Do you know how far your child is sitting from the Wi-Fi access point in his classrooms?  Currently children and teachers are only a few feet from an access point, because FCC limits say 8 inches is all that's needed for Wi-Fi routers 

(This FCC limit is a thermal limit - closer than this distance your body's tissues would experience heating from the microwave radiation.  Because FCC acknowledges heating effects as the only harmful effect from microwave RF radiation, its limits are based on thermal thresholds. )

As long as you are at a distance where there is not enough microwave radiation from a device or cell tower to cook you, it is FCC compliant - this is FCC's standard of "safety"

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Wifi now coming from the sky.

Please take a moment to contact your Congressperson, as asked below, and also to pass this information on as widely as possible.  If these projects go through there will be no place to hide!  Your time and effort can make a real difference.

Global Union Against Radiation Deployment from Space (GUARDS)

GUARDS is an international coalition against global WiFi from space, a complex technology of radiation and toxic chemicals endangering all life on Earth

Take Action: Don't let corporate greed wreck your family's health!

Technologists and technology corporations are pushing to saturate your home, community, and car with radiation from "wireless" technology-in complete disregard of the known health hazards.
Radiation emitted by wireless technology (such as from mobile phones and WiFi) is known to cause a variety of symptoms - including headache, sleepiness, cognitive impairment, fatigue, depression, anxiety, facial flushing, skin rash, asthma, cardiac arrhythmia, easy bruising, infertility, insomnia, neurological disease and cancers (breast, lung, brain, lymphoma, leukemia, melanoma, and others).
Numerous telecom and technology corporations are planning to blanket the globe with the body-penetrating radiofrequency (RF) and microwave (MW) radiation utilized by wireless technology in order to rake in more profit by ensuring that you can watch cat videos from anywhere on the planet. Eight companies are planning to launch more than 11,000 satellites for global WiFi coverage.
Projects to launch and periodically replace thousands of satellites to blanket the earth with radiation to provide worldwide Internet would also destroy ozone and worsen climate change due to the rocket emissions of black soot from so many rockets. Combined with the detrimental environmental effects RF radiation has on both flora and fauna, including bees, these global wireless projects are predicted to lead to environmental devastation and even widespread starvation.
Telecom/technology companies have been scheming for years to make money off a technology that, while perceived as "cool" (Who doesn't want to have a Star Trek communicator?), is actually extremely unsafe in the real world.
Here is some history you may not be aware of. In 1993, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wrote a scathing criticism of the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC's) proposed RF/MW radiation limits. In June 1995, the EPA announced to the FCC that it would be releasing its own RF/MW radiation safety limits in early 1996. An internal EPA memorandum regarding a meeting with the FCC and the NTIA makes it clear that the EPA was also initiating a process to develop initial regulations pertaining to chronic RF/MW radiation exposures and non-thermal RF/MW radiation effects within a two-year time frame. Obviously, this was viewed as a threat to telecom and technology industries, because on September 13, 1995 the EPA Radiation Division that drafted the regulations to protect the public from harmful EMF (electromagnetic fields, including RF/MW) radiation exposure was de-funded by the Senate Appropriations Committee, which also wrote, "The Committee believes EPA should not engage in EMF activities".
In 1996, Telecom industry lobbyists succeeded in getting The 1996 Telecommunications Act passed. This Act prohibited states, municipalities, and citizens from objecting to the placement and construction of wireless communications facilities (antennas) for reasons of health or the environment and assigned the FCC to be the sole regulator of "safety" related to wireless RF/MW radiation-emitting technology.
Why was this done? Because vocal, educated citizens had been thwarting industry plans to irradiate every person and every thing with the RF/MW radiation utilized by wireless technology. These citizens showed planning and zoning committees the extensive literature documenting negative biological effects of exposure to RF/MW radiation, and the committees did their job and denied permits.
These corrupt moves by Congress in 1995 and 1996 have cost lives and jeopardize your family's health today!
The corruption continues. The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences has yet to release the results of the completed toxicology study which assessed the cancer risk and some biological effects of wireless radiation in lab animals. According to Microwave News, "Pilot NTP experiments found that rats did respond to both GSM and CDMA cell phone radiation. Those exposed before and after birth gained weight more slowly. The exposure levels were higher than those normally associated with cell phones and Wi-Fi, but close enough to challenge the widely-held view that wireless radiation is harmless. Importantly, the observed effects were dose-dependent.Yet, these results have still not been released publicly, allowing the FCC to continue to promote dangerous wireless technology!
1. Share this page with as many people and organizations as you can!
2. File an Informal Objection to plans by Google and SpaceX to irradiate the whole country.
3. Help address the root cause that allows all these dangerous projects to be proposed. Contact your Congress person and ask that they investigate:
  • Why has the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences not yet released the results of the completed wireless radiation toxicology study?
  • Why was the EPA Radiation Division working on EMF/RF/MW safety limits de-funded and stripped of regulatory authority?
  • Why has no one been able to obtain the draft regulations - not even through Freedom of Information Act requests?
Then demand that:
  • Congress again fund the EPA to establish and enforce EMF/RF/MW safety limits.
  • Congress place a moratorium on new wireless projects until the new limits are complete.
  • Congress repeal section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 so that communities can once again protect the health of their residents.
Be sure to briefly share your story so your Congressperson understands the importance of this issue for you (and them). Followup with an email to the person you spoke with, so be sure to get their email address or use the web contact for your Congressperson. Use this template.
Help Raise Awareness!

Protecting my health and that of others by using a hardwired computer in a low RF environment.  For more information, see