Thursday, April 7, 2016

New York PTA Calls For Wi-Fi To Be Turned Off: Major Wifi Controvery as School District is Served With Legal Liability Notice

From our Friends at Safetech Schools Maryland. Tuesday, April 5, 2016

New York PTA Calls For Wi-Fi To Be Turned Off: Major Wifi Controvery as School District is Served With Legal Liability Notice

In this video an Onteora School District Trustee reads the Phoenicia PTA's Letter
where the PTA calls for the Wi-Fi to be turned OFF. 

Facts About the New York State Onteora School District Wi-Fi Debate

1. Parents initiated a dialogue on the health risks of Wireless radiation. The Board grappled with the decision to turn the Wi-Fi off while gathering data. The local Woodstock Times paper covered some of the debate. 
Listen to a Sixth grader talk about her WiFi concerns. 

2. The District created a Wi-Fi Task Force
According to the Board minutes, the Task force was charged to "Review studies and determine if precautionary principle should be done for our youngest students, which is to remove Wi-Fi from the elementary building until the industry proves it is safe. Look at both sides of the research and most up-to-date research. They were to consider the health implications and pros and cons in terms of technology in 21stcentury learning and get Input from administrators and school personnel." They were to make a recommendation to the Board. Read about it in the Onteroa meeting minutes of August 11, 2015 (page 27, point 11) here. 

Watch a video where the Board discusses the WiFi Task Force  here.

3. In March a Notice of Wi-Fi Radiation Legal  Liability Was Served to New York School District Board of Education Members

The Wi-Fi Task Force was formed to gather information. Then  it was disbanded by the Board of Education without any transparency in the process. 

Parents served the New York Onteroa School District Superintendent Victoria Mclaren and Board of Education members a notice of their liability concerning the health risks from the wi-fi installation in this New York school district on the March 15, 2016 Board of Education Meeting. 

"You have been urged to hardwire all your computers in the schools."

" Ignoring the above documented information and documented statements and proceeding with the use of WiFi routers in the schools, you are committing willful blindness and can be liable for child negligence, or possibly even "negligent endangerment of child" which carries with it criminal law repercussions if any student gets injured from the schools WiFi system and a parent decides to press charges."

Please watch below the video where parents served the Board members with this notice  If you are wondering why we cannot see the parents, we were wondering the same thing. You can watch the full Board meeting at this link to the School District website. 


  1. Board members who voted in for keeping the Wi-Fi are now personally liable if a child is harmed by the wireless radiation exposures. 
  2. They could be  sued for "willful blindness","child negligence" or possibly even charged with  "reckless endangerment of a child" of which the latter carries criminal penalties.
  3. The BOE is held liable for violating  "Open Government Law," by  misusing  "Executive Session" option designed  to  keep public  agencies court strategies private   when  litigation  is  in process. The Board apparently disbanded the Wi-Fi Task Force  and denied access of  the minutes of that meeting to the public. The BOE then stated "the efficacy  of the group"  was the reason for disbanding it. 

Concerned parents in the United States can also send   notarized  " No-Consent to WiFi "  letters  to their BOE. This an important step towards accountability. 

Examples of A Parents Do NOT CONSENT Letter For Schools:

Watch a video of Onteroa School Parent call for the Wi-Fi to be turned off 
in an October 27, 2015 Board Meeting.