Wednesday, May 27, 2015

All I Really Need to Know About EMF I Learned After My Wife Got Sick

All I Really Need to Know About EMF I Learned After My Wife Got Sick

A Brief History of Electrosmog


Published: May 26, 2015

"Doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the 'body of fact' that exists in the minds of the general public. It is also the means of establishing a controversy." — Tobacco executive internal memo, 1969
"There really are people who feel pain, etc., related to EMF, etc., and rather than have them becoming hysterical, etc., I would quietly leave them alone." — Former California Public Utilities Commission President Michael Peevey in an email to Pacific Gas & Electric's Brian Cherry seized by California authorities, 2010.
History was never my favorite subject. I preferred English, theatre, religion — subjects where the imagination seemed unrestricted by the weight of historical facts. Of course, I had heard the truism about not being able to understand the present without knowing the past. I appreciated the idea intellectually. But it wasn't until my wife Godeliève Richard, a Swiss dancer/choreographer and visual artist, became sick in the spring of 2010 and we came to understand, after three torturous years, that the root of her suffering was her sensitivity to RF (radio frequency) wireless radiation of the sort emitted by cell towers, cell phones, computers trying to pick up Wifi, Wifi enabled routers, cordless phones, tablets, our electric meter, etc., etc., etc., that I became an avid student of history.
We began reading books, articles, websites. We watched documentaries. We spoke with activists. It took me several months to completely accept that EHS (Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity) was what had derailed our lives and stolen time and energy from our now three-year-old son. Members of our family and friends quietly confided their belief to me that this must be a mental problem. In a way, I wished they were right. How would we live? How would she survive?
Sometimes at four in the morning after another sleepless night when we were deciding whether or not to go to the emergency room, it seemed like death was a possible final outcome. Luckily, we found a solution for our home that has allowed her to sleep well again and begin to heal, however she still can't leave the house for more than a few hours at a time. Among other adjustments we have made, a doctor recommended a company making biotuners, a small rectangular casing placed on the fuse box in order to deactivate the harmful information from electrosmog.
One of my many layers of resistance to accepting that electromagnetic pollution or electrosmog was what had destroyed her health was a simple, naive faith in the regulatory powers of the U.S. government. This radiation is literally everywhere. If it could be so dangerous, how could it be allowed on such a massive scale? But after I found the startling analogy between RF and asbestos and cigarettes laid out on more than one advocacy group site, things began to click.
The tobacco industry’s manipulation of the science and the U.S. court system began in the 1950s. In 1981, Japanese researcher Takeshi Hirayama definitively established the link between cancer and second hand smoke. Every year that passed added to the death toll in America. Why the lag time? One reason was that the tobacco industry had hired product defense firms that specialized in one product: doubt. If you can define the parameters of a scientific study that you pay for, it turns out there is quite a good chance the scientists you have hired will reach a conclusion that supports your position that there is no problem. Cell phone companies have hired, literally, some of the same supporting cast used by the tobacco industry.
In May, 2014, tobacco scientist Peter Valberg of product defense firm Gradient, testified in Worcester, MA, to the Worcester Zoning Board of Appeals about the safety of National Grid's smart meter pilot program. Smart meters are two-way RF transmission devices that the Massachusetts of Department of Public Utilities issued an order for utility companies to install on June 12, 2014. The Mass DPU relied on Valberg's testimony in their assessment that the radiation emitted from smart meters was safe because it is below FCC limits. A fraud complaint was filed with the MA Attorney General's office against the DPU in March.
It turns out our electric meter was installed in the late 90's already equipped to pulse RF radiation every couple of seconds from the meter to the street. I called our electric company and told them that radiation made my wife sick and asked that they pull in to our driveway as they drive by and read the meter in person. I was told this was not possible. I suggested that we could simply shield the meter and they could lift the shielding off to take the readings. But this, they warned, would lead to potentially more expensive "estimated readings" when their truck got back to headquarters without a reading from our meter.

Telecom Companies Hold A Legislative Trump Card

Between 1994 and 1998, telecom companies made nearly $12 million in campaign contributions to members of Congress. In 1996, they helped write the Telecommunications Act, which stipulates that "no state or local government . . . may regulate the placement, construction and modification of personal wireless facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the [Federal Communication Commission's] regulations concerning such emissions."
This provision stripped my town's Zoning Board of Appeals, not to mention every U.S. individual, local and state government, of the ability to say “no” to a cell tower proposal on the basis of health concerns. The result is that although the now more than 6,000 independent studies demonstrating health risks may be mentioned during the hearing process, the tower AT&T proposed on our road had to be denied on some other grounds, like its proximity to a road designated as a Scenic Byway or perhaps the average of 15 percent drop in property value for those unfortunate enough to live next to it.
Luckily for us — and even better for the elderly people and children who would have been living about 150 feet from the tower — AT&T withdrew their proposal. They didn't say why, but looking at the pattern of new cell tower placement around the U.S., we can surmise that this was a business decision based on their strategy of following the path of least resistance. In other words, putting a new tower on the road of a publicly known person suffering from EHS probably looked a little too costly. My wife and I make plays for a living and our latest, Innocenzo, tells the tale of a clown who, after visiting many doctors and healers, finally realizes that he has become electro-hypersensitive. We didn't have to do much research.
Cell companies have become adept at hiding their antennas and AT&T wanted to stash the one designated for our road in an oversized barn silo. In Switzerland, where we tour our plays in French, there is a tower hidden in a church steeple not far from our apartment. Consequently, although Switzerland has the lowest RF limits in the world, Godeliève has a harder time leaving the house there than the rural road where we live in the U.S. Unfortunately, hiding cell towers or decorating them as trees does nothing to change health impacts.
A German study published in 2004 (Eger, et al), found that living within 400 meters of a cell tower increased the likelihood of developing cancer by 300%. These results are typical of the growing number of studies being done outside the U.S. where the distinctive lack (read $0) of federal funds being spent on RF safety research seems unsurprising given the "over 400 million dollars in political contributions and lobbying [by the wireless industry]," according to lawyer Andrew Campanelli who now specializes in preventing unwanted cell tower installation after starting his career as a telecom lawyer.

Everyone is Electro-sensitive

It might seem, at first glance, that people like Godeliève should be shipped off to an island so that the rest of the un-sensitive population can enjoy their wireless lives. Although countries are establishing radiation free zones for people like her, everyone is electro-sensitive. Everyone's melatonin production (the substance which cleans up cancer-causing free radicals, among other things, while we sleep) is inhibited when exposed to levels of RF currently deemed safe. Humans are electrical beings composed of cells that have been proven damaged by much, much lower levels of RF than you would experience in your typical coffee shop or elementary school.
One key historical moment concerns the Federal Communication Commission standards themselves. Back in 1953, researcher Herman Schwan, a former Nazi scientist imported in 1949 to work for the U.S. Navy, suggested a thermal (heat) exposure limit for RFs based on heating effects he had noted when radar operators cooked hot dogs in their microwave beams. In other words, if your cell phone doesn't measurably heat your skin, it must be okay, even if you are a fetus, newborn or otherwise more vulnerable being than the top 10% of U.S. military recruits in 1989, the skull of whom the FCC bases its SAR (specific absorption rate of RF by the brain) calculations upon.
The patently absurd idea, if you are a biologist, of no cellular damage happening below the thermal limit has been challenged by the American Pediatric Association, the U.S. Department of the Interior (who are concerned about effects on migratory birds), the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, the California Medical Association, Swisscom (in a patent application), and many others. The FCC standard is so high that telecom companies have had no incentive to engineer anything that might be even a little bit safer. Isn't it every person's right to stream an HD movie on his/her phone while waiting in line at the post office? How about two at time? How about 16?
Nothing like the changes in federal policy that are needed have ever come as an initiative from the corporations or government. It has only happened, as Ralph Nader likes to remind us, because people came together in the common wish for a place where people can drink clean water, breathe clean air, share the same rights as other citizens and, in this case, be able to live their lives without having their health damaged in the relative safety of their own homes.

Global RF Reduction Efforts

One of the ironies of the RF radiation puzzle is that there are many straightforward steps that can be taken by individuals, governments and corporations to reduce this multiple source 24/7 exposure. This year France and Taiwan became the first countries to pass national legislation aimed at protecting the public from wireless emissions. In this case, they took their cue from emerging health research and primarily defined the public as very young children, whose thinner skulls allow lower levels of RF to penetrate deeper into the brain. There will be no more wi-fi in French nursery schools; in elementary schools it will be turned off except when needed.
National legislation of this sort, besides being progressive and forward-thinking also happens to be in the financial self-interest of governments around the world. Insurance companies have quietly stopped offering coverage for wireless-related health problems. Who is going to pay for skyrocketing rates of cancer, Alzheimer's, ADHD, autism, and burn-out leading to missed work days? Since there can be no definitive 1-to-1 correlation for the multiple environmental factors weighing on our systems, how are you going to make anyone pay the bill for what Swedish researcher Lennart Hardell descibes as "the world's greatest biological experiment ever"?
The makers of wireless technology are in a terrible spot. Like the tobacco companies, they have to keep denying the existence of a problem or face major legal and financial repercussions.
The 2011 World Health Organization classifies RF as a Class 2B "possible carcinogen," along with lead and car exhaust. In the 2014 French documentary "Ondes, Science, Manigances" (Microwaves, Science and Lies), director Jean Heches demonstrates that despite this classification, the WHO is extremely influenced (to put it politely) by the telecom industry. Sweden, the first country where EHS is officially recognized as a functional impairment, offers a cell phone network and a provider of health care coverage to around 300,000 people with the sensitivity. Lennart Hardell's 2014 research on long term cell phone use in that country suggests that RF should be re-classified as a Class 1 "known carcinogen." However, this reclassification is a financial impossibility (from a certain privileged point of view) as there are trillions of dollars and hefty sections of the ecomony depending on the perpetuation of doubt. Unsurprisingly, Hardell has become the victim of a smear campaign.
The makers of wireless technology are in a terrible spot. Like the tobacco companies, they have to keep denying the existence of a problem or face major legal and financial repercussions. Utility companies and the state bureaucracies charged with regulating them (or abetting them in California's case), after having installed RF-emitting transmitters on our homes, are in the same bind. So you can bet no corporate movement will be made towards protecting the public until we create a financial incentive for them — or they have no choice. That is, if history has anything to teach us.
Jonathan Mirin's plays have been performed around the U.S. and internationally. He co-founded Piti Theatre Company with his wife Godeliève Richard in 2004, whose recent productions include 28 FEET (about growing up with Crohn's disease), To Bee or Not to Bee (about honeybee disappearance) and Innocenzo. For more about Piti Theatre Company's production Innocenzo visit Upcoming tour dates include: June 2, 2015: Greenfield Community Television live taping, Greenfield MA, and June 6, 2015: Shelburne Falls' Riverfest, at the Shelburne Senior Center, 1 pm.

Wireless Safety Resources



Worcester Opts Out
Halt Smart Meters in Massachusetts
Sandura’s Blog
No Mass Smart Meters
Berkshire-Litchfield Environmental Council
Piti Theatre Company
Healing Earth Refuge 
Cell Tower at DS Middle/High School


EMR Safety Consulting   


Smart Grid Awareness
The EMR Policy Institute
EMF Safety Network
Citizens for Safe Technology
Stop Smart Meters!
Center for Safer Wireless
Take Back Your Power
Smart Meter Global News
Facebook: Stop NG Smart Grid

This article appears in the Summer 2015 issue of Spirit of Change

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Breaking: Proposed New Bill to study the health impacts of electromagnetic fields in MA


By Ms. Spilka (by request), a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 1222) of Cece Doucette for legislation to create a special commission to study the health impacts of electromagnetic fields. Public Health.
SECTION 1. There shall be a special commission on the health impacts of electromagnetic fields on the citizens of the Commonwealth. The commission shall be comprised of the House and Senate Chairmen of the Joint Committee on Public Health as well as the ranking House and Senate minority members on the committee; the House and Senate Chairmen of the Joint Committee on Telecommunication, Utilities and Energy and the ranking House and Senate minority members; the Commissioner of the Department of Public Health or his designee; a scientist who is a specialist in environmental medicine and is knowledgeable about the health effects of electromagnetic fields who shall be appointed by the Governor; a pediatrician who shall be appointed by the Governor; three specialists in public health or environmental medicine, one each who shall be appointed by the Governor, the Senate President and the Speaker of the House; a member of the Massachusetts Medical Society who is a specialist in environmental medicine who shall serve as chair; a member of the Massachusetts Board of Education; and a member of a Massachusetts school board or committee. 

Said Commission shall study all facets of health impacts of electromagnetic fields from all sources, including but not limited to the use of cellular devices, utility smart meters, Wi-Fi, and the use of Wi-Fi in public schools. Said Commission shall include in its report an investigation of the health impacts of electromagnetic fields, including but not limited to the effects on reproductive systems, brain function including memory loss, retarded learning, performance impairment in children, headaches and neurodegenerative conditions, melatonin suppression and sleep disorders, fatigue, hormonal imbalances, immune dysregulation such as allergic and inflammatory responses, cardiac and blood pressure problems, genotoxic effects like miscarriage, cancers such as childhood leukemia, and childhood and adult brain tumors. Said Commission shall study whether electromagnetic radiation exposure may have a disparate impact on potentially vulnerable subgroups including children, fetuses, pregnant women, the elderly and those with preexisting illnesses or impairments. Said Commission shall investigate whether children are more vulnerable to electromagnetic radiation due to their developing nervous systems and their thinner skulls. 

The commission shall convene no later than 60 days following of the enactment of this bill. The commission shall file a report with the clerks of the House and Senate no later than July 31, 2016. The commission shall make recommendations to the General Court on legislation designed to protect the health of the citizens of the Commonwealth including a recommendation on whether, within public schools, children’s exposure to electromagnetic fields, including those from Wi-Fi, should be eliminated or reduced. The commission may also make recommendations on any other matter that may come before the commission that will enhance the protection of the public health.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe - Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children

Is your mobile phone, Wi-fi, Smart meter, or baby monitor safe? Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe highlights the health concerns regarding use of radiofrequency (Group 2b Carcinogen) communication devices in this concise summary. Aimed especially at protecting the health of children, but valuable to all, this presentation highlights the current cautions from independent scientists globally on the issue of unregulated microwave exposure from rapidly escalating use of such devices and cell towers, etc. Unprecedented revenue has blocked appropriate precaution to protect health, and all should watch this informative, factual, easily understandable explanation of the real hazards of electromagnetic technology on living systems, and how to protect health.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Canadian Medical Association Journal reports Health Canada's wireless limits are "A Disaster to Public Health"

OTTAWA, May 7, 2015 /CNW/ - The Canadian Medical Association Journal today published a scathing condemnation of Health Canada's safety guidelines for cell phones and Wifi.

The Journal (CMAJ) interviewed multiple international experts in radiation and cancer, who warn that the microwave levels allowed in Canadian classrooms, residences and workplaces are, "a disaster to public health."
One scientist said that given the overwhelming evidence that wireless radiation is harmful, Health Canada staff are either, "unwilling or not competent to make evaluation of the current literature."
The article points out that Canada's Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health recently completed three days of hearings on Canada's safety guidelines, and sent federal scientists back to the office to re-examine 140 recent studies that show wireless radiation emitted by cell phones and WiFi can cause harm.
One oncologist interviewed by the CMAJ said that Canada's safety guidelines for wireless radiation need to be "urgently revised" due to the obvious risk of cancer.
The CMAJ article revealed that James McNamee, who wrote Health Canada's safety code, has also co-authored academic papers with scientists who openly accept payments from the wireless industry.
"That Canada's wireless safety code is out of date and mired in conflict of interest is no longer a question it's a fact," said Frank Clegg, CEO of Canadians For Safe Technology (C4ST).
"We're hoping the Parliamentary Standing Committee will have strong recommendations to fix it," said Clegg.

SOURCE C4ST: Canadians For Safe Technology

 For further information: Interviews Frank Clegg, Contact:, Phone: 705-444-9662,

Press release:
or shortened:

CMAJ article:


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Scientist Dr. David Carpenter explains the issues with Wi-Fi in schools.

This is the testimony of Dr. David Carpenter (co-author of the Bioinitiative Report) that he gave when serving as an expert witness in a case in the Portland, OR Public Schools on Dec 2011. In this testimony, Dr. Carpenter clearly explains the issues with Wi-Fi in schools. Please download the PDF and read it.

International Scientist Appeal to UN on Electromagnetic Fields 190 scientists from 39 countries

International Scientist Appeal to UN on Electromagnetic Fields 190 scientists from 39 countries

3-minute intro video:   

Why"Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life." 

"Given the existing body of published research, many scientists, doctors, engineers and public health officials globally are now calling for IARC’s classification of EMF to be upgraded to a Group 2A “Probable Carcinogen.” The Appeal calls for the WHO to take heed of the urgency of this and go further."   

"To protect our children, ourselves, and our ecosystem, we must reduce exposure by establishing more protective guidelines."   

"And so, today, scientists from around the world are submitting an Appeal to the United Nations, its member states and the World Health Organization, to provide leadership in dealing with this emerging public health crisis."

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Wifi microwave radiation health risks at school.

Woman Cuts Family Off From WiFi Over Health Concerns

A local mother's health concerns prompted her to cut her family off from wireless and wants more research conducted into the safety of WiFi. Lisa Sigell reports.

Here's the link to the original story and video.